
četvrtak, 23.03.2006.

- 10:15 - Komentari (8) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 16.03.2006.

Fort Minor

- 11:57 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 09.03.2006.


Usamljeni traktorist

Spominjaju se dvojica. Pita prvi drugoga:
- Gdje su ti roditelji?
- Ja nemam više roditelje, umrli su.
- Jadan ti, a šta im se desilo?
- Traktor ih je pregazio.
- A gdje su ti braća i sestre?
- Traktor ih je pregazio.
- A rodbina, prijatelji?
- Nemam nikoga, sve ih je traktor pregazio.
- Pa što ti radiš po cijele dane tako usamljen?
- Vozim traktor.
st patrick's day 2006

Bakica, tabletice i zmajevi

Dođe unuk doma i pita bakicu.
- Bakice, jesi li možda vidjele negdje one moje tabletice?
A baka će na to:
- Ma jebeš tablete, jesi li ti vidio one zmajeve u kuhinji!

saint patrick's day

Čekanje tramvaja

U tramvaju jedna starija gospođa pokazuje kartu kontroloru.
- Ali, molim vas, pa to je dječja karta!, kaže kontrolor.
- E pa sad vidite koliko sam dugo čekala tramvaj.

Policajac i lego kockice

Kupio policajac lego kocke i kaže ponosno prijatelju:
- Pogledaj, složio sam ih za godinu dana, a na kutiji piše 2-4 godine!

Poruka za baku od unuka vojnika

Staroj baki dolazi paket od unuka iz vojske, a unutra kašikara i kratka poruka u kojoj stoji:
"Bako povuci ovu kukicu i dobit ću tri dana odsustva!"

Ja i babo sami

Potukli se mi.
Njih bilo dvojica, a ja i babo sami.

Mazohist, sadist i silovatelj

Nađu se mazohist, sadist i silovatelj zajedno pred nekom djevojkom.
Kaže silovatelj: ajmo ju silovat!
A kaže sadist: ajmo ju zapalit!
Na to će mazohist: mjau, mjau!
st patrick's day 2006

Kratki grčki

Edip: Sizife, kako ide posao?
Sizif: Jebi si mater!

Atletičari kod ljudožera

Kako ljudožderi zovu atletičare?
Fast food!

Napušeni vuk u šumi

Pušili zec i vuk travu i nakon nekog vremena zecu dođe zlo i ode iz grma, a vuk nastavlja pušiti! Kad utom naiđe slon i ugleda vuka kako puši travu te mu kaže da mu dadne dim. A vuk odgovori:
- Daj ne seri zec, dosta ti je, pogledaj se na šta ličiš!

Perica kao vozač

Pozove ravnateljica Pericu na razgovor i kaže mu:
- Mora ti doći tata na razgovor.
- Ma ne može on, njega je pregazio traktor, odgovara Perica.
- A joj, jadan ti. Pa šta ti ne može doći mama?
- Ma i nju i baku je pregazio traktor.
Ravnateljica se digne, pomiluje ga i upita:
- Pa što ti onda radiš po cijele dane?
- Vozim traktor.

Početak mise by Ratzinger

Kako novi papa počinje misu?
Achtung, achtung!

Kobni šapat

Učiteljica na satu ispituje Ivicu i pita ga:
- Ivica, što bi ti učinio da rano ujutro u šumi naiđeš na ranjenog hrvatskog vojnika?
Ivica odgovori:
- Ubio bih ga.
- Ivice pazi, da naiđeš na ranjenog HRVATSKOG vojnika?
- Ubio bih ga.
- Sjedni, dobio si jedan. A ti Jovanoviću, ne šapći ...

Slon i deva

Pita slon devu:
- Zašto imaš sise na leđima?
A deva odgovori:
- Čudno pitanje od nekoga kome kita visi s lica.

Moje ime je samo moje

Zaustavi policajac plavušu i kaže:
- Dajte mi svoje ime i prezime.
A ona ga mudro pogleda i reče:
- A kako ću se ja onda zvati?

Veličina nije bitna

Kopaju dvije seljanke na njivi. Prva uzme krastavac i kaže:
- Vidiš li ti ovaj krastavac? Takav je u mog muža!
- Dobar, dobar, odgovara druga.
Poslije par minuta druga izvuče repu iz zemlje i kaže:
- Vidiš li ti ovu repu? E taki je u mog muža.
- Tako veliki?
- Ma jok, tako prljav!

Pa dobro, ko je sad on?

Pričali mrav, slon i nosorog. Kaže mrav:
- Ja sam najmanji na svijetu!
Kaže slon:
- Ja sam najveći na svijetu!
Kaže nosorog:
- Ja imam najveći nos na svijetu.
Ali ipak odluče oni da dobiju pismeni dokaz.
Nešto kasnije mrav i slon donijeli svoje uvjerenje, a nosorog će sav iznerviran:
- Pa dobro, ko je sad taj Mišo Kovač?

Seksualno obrazovanje

Mali Perica je dobio jedinicu iz seksualnog odgoja. Jako je ljut i odluči se osvetiti učiteljici. Zato poslije škole pozove Pericu da se sakriju iza grma i dočekaju je:
- Kad dođe učiteljica ti joj digni suknju, a ja cu je udariti u jaja.

Beogradski dizelaš i baba

Sjedi beogradski dizelaš u tramvaju.
Na sljedećoj stanici ulazi baba i pošto dizelaš, normalno, ne ustaje, pita ga baba:
- Sine 'oćeš da se zamenimo?
A dizelaš joj odgovara:
- Šta?Ja da budem baba?

Jožek piše pismo Guinessu

Piše Jožek pismo Guinessu.
- Daj, ja bih trebal ući u Guinessovu knjigu rekorda jer sam riješil slagalicu za 6 mjeseci iako piše da je od 1 do 3 godine.

Baka prećicom preko groblja

Spustila se večer. Baka se vraća kući i da skrati put, odluči preći preko groblja. Nije joj svejedno, boji se i taman kako se sprema ući na groblje, ugleda kraj vrata nekog čovjeka. Priđe mu i upita ga bi li je on otpratio, bila bi mu jako zahvalna.
On pristane, nema problema, drago mu je da može pomoći. Idu oni tako, a baka uporno ponavlja kako se boji, kako ju je strah. Na to će čovjek:
- E, i ja sam se bojao dok sam bio živ ...

Baka na groblju

Šeta baka po groblju i nešto traži. Luta ona tako, gleda okolo i sretne nekog mladića pa ga upita:
- Sinko, reci mi, molim te, gdje je parcela 5 H?
A on će njoj:
- Šta si izlazila kad se ne znaš vratit'?

Fićo u BMW-u

Fićo ne uspijeva zakočiti na crveno svijetlo i svom silinom udara u zadnji kraj najnovijeg BMW-a sedme serije, koji stoji na križanju. Na displeju BMW-a pojavljuje se informacija: "Found new hardware. Install?".

Zlatna ribica susreće Muju

Ulovio Mujo zlatnu ribicu i kaže mu ona:
- "Pusti me, ispunit ću ti jednu želju."
Mujo mrtav 'ladan kaže:
- "Nemoj srat', majke ti", i baci je nazad u vodu, a ribica umre od začepljenja crijeva.

Policijska odmazda

Sjede dva tipa u tramvaju i pričaju viceve o policajcima. Dođu na vic "Zašto policajci uvjek idu po dva? - Jedan zna čitat', a drugi pisat'!" Na to dođu dva policajca kojima su dojadili vicevi na njihov račun pa kažu: "Dečki, osobne!". Ovi daju osobne, a ovaj policajac koj je uzeo osobne, kaže drugom: "Piši ...".

Smrtni ugriz poskoka

Ležali Mujo i Suljo u rovu ispod Trebevića i Muji se pripišalo.
- Đe ću bolan Suljo da pišam?
- ´Ajde iza bukve!
- ´Oću kurac, pa da me ćetnici pogode u tintaru – reče Mujo.
- Pa otpuži malo kroz travu i pišaj ležećke.
Mujo tako i učini i taman izvadio kitu da piša, kad ono poskok, i ujede ga za ćunu. Vrišti on od bola i doziva Sulju:
- ´Ajde bolan jarane do pozadine i pitaj hećima šta da radimo kod ujeda guja.
Suljo otpuže do pozadine i pravo kod doktora.
- Hećime pomagaj, Muju ujela guja!
- Zašta bolan?
- Ma nizašta, onako iz čista mira.
- Ma ne pitam te to, već gdje ga je ujela?
- Ma gore bolan, kod rova.
- E pa hajde ti gore kod Muje, rasijeci mjesto ujeda čakijom, isisaj zatrovanu krv i ispljuni.
Vrati se Suljo do Muje, a ovaj već u samrtnom hropcu prošaputa:
- Šta´e rek´o hećim?
Suljo ga odvali nogom i prezreno reče:
- Jebi ga, rek´o je da moraš crknut'!

U kupovinu po Barbie

Ide čovjek doma s posla i na putu se sjeti da mu kćerkica ima rođendan. Ode on u trgovinu s igračkama. Uđe unutra i zamoli prodavačicu:
- Koliko Vam je ona Barbie u izlogu?
- Na koju Barbie mislite? Barbie ide na kupanje je 19,95 dolara. Barbie ide na gala večeru je 29,95 dolara. Barbie na jahanju je 39,95 dolara. Barbie ide na fitness 49,95 dolara. Barbie ide na vožnju autom 59,95 dolara. Razvedena Barbie je 395,95 dolara.
- A zašto je razvedena Barbie toliko skuplja?
- Jer uz nju ide Kenov auto, Kenova kuća, Kenov pas, Kenova mačka, Kenov namještaj i Kenova jahta.

Nastavak programerske anegdote

Priča jedna plavuša drugoj:
- I tako me taj programer odvede kući, posjedne me na stol od kompjutera, skine mi gaćice ...
Prekine je druga:
- Ti nosiš gaćice?

Programerska anegdota

Priča jedan programer drugomu:
- I tako ti se ja vraćam doma s tom plavušom, skinem je do gola, polegnem na stol kod kompjutora ...
Prekine ga drugi:
- Koji procesor?

Opasno po djecu

Šta je to bijelo, plastično i opasno za djecu?
Michael Jackson!

Slon i mrav preko mosta

Prolaze slon i mrav preko mosta, kad se most uruši, a mrav će slonu:
- Vidiš, ja sam ti rek'o da prelazimo jedan po jedan!

Crnogorac u spasilačkoj akciji

Bio Crnogorac kod gatare i ona mu reče da će biti odgovoran za smrt 20 milijuna ljudi. Sav zabrinut Crnogorac otiđe, kad pokraj njega rijeka i u njoj se davi neko dijete. U sebi pomisli: "Barem ću nekoga spasiti!".
On skoči u vodu i spasi dijete, kad odnekud trči djetetova majka i reče: - Adolfe sine, zahvali se čiki!

Cigo u kazanu

Zarobili ljudožderi Cigu, pa ga strpali u lonac da ga skuhaju. Pored kazana poglavica postavio stražara da čuva ručak. Nakon nekog vremena prolazi poglavica pored kazana i vidi da stražar, malo, malo, pa udari kutlačom po poklopcu.
- Šta to radiš?, pita ga poglavica.
- Ma, ne znam šta da radim, ovaj unutra nam pojede sve makarone!

Provod u Trstu

Djedu je 18-godišnji unuk koji stalno sjedi pred kompjuterom počeo pošteno ići na živce pa mu priđe i reče:
- Kad sam bio tvojih godina, išao sam s prijateljima u Trst, upali smo u prvi bordel, sve im pojeli, sve popili, istorbali sve kurve, konobaru popišali šank i otišli bez plaćanja!
Malomu se ideja jako dopala. Vrati se za dva tjedna sav modar i pretučen, zavijene glave pa ga deda upita:
- Kog si vraga radio?
- Tja, isto kao ti, išao sam s prijateljima u Trst, upali smo u prvi bordel, sve im pojeli, sve popili, istorbali sve kurve, konobaru popišali šank i kad smo htjeli otići bez plaćanja došla su iz stražnje sobe trojica gorila i ubili boga u nama!
- Pa dobro, s kim si to išao u Trst?
- S Generalturistom, a ti?
- S partizanima!

Dušanova smrt

Pita nastavnica historije Pericu:
- Šta je bilo poslije Dušanove smrti?
- Sahrana, šta bi moglo da bude.

Naći posao u Hrvatskoj

Nestašica, glad i siromaštvo zavladali u BiH. Zbog toga krava, magarac i majmun odluče da pođu u Hrvatsku da traže posla.
Nakon par dana magarac se vrati u BiH.
- Zašto si se tako brzo vratio, pitaju ga susjedi?
- Pusti, tamo te tjeraju da radiš dan i noć, a nitko te ne hrani.
Za koji dan i krava se vrati.
- Zašto si se ti vratila, pitaju susjedi?
- Tamo svi muzu, a nitko ne hrani, krava će.
I prođe neko vrijeme, a majmun se ne vraća. Zabrinuli se oni i krenu u Zagreb da traže majmuna. Kad tamo vidi čuda. Majmun na Trgu Bana Jelačića, sjedi, svi ga gotive, banane oko njega, k'o u Africi ...
- Kako to, zapitaše se krava i magarac. Mi radili i ništa, a ti samo sjediš na trgu i svi te hrane?
- Eeee tko vam je kriv što i vi ne ličite na Stipu Mesića?

Vi u vlaku, ispred Ferrari, a iza svemirski brod

Šta učiniti kada jurite u vlaku, ispred vas juri Ferrari, a za vama svemirski brod?
Kažete cigi da zaustavi ringišpil!

Zeko, medo i lija meets zlatna ribica

Pecali zec, lisica i medvjed, kad odjednom zeko uhvati zlatnu riobicu. Ona mu obeća da će im svima ispuniti putovanje po njihovoj želji, samo ako ju puste.
Oni pristanu, pa im ribica objasni da se moraju zatrčati i zabiti glavom u drvo te izgovoriti ime mjesta na koje žele ići.
Prvi krene zec, udari glavom u drvo i reče "Afrika", pa nestane.
Druga krene lisica. Zaleti se, udari i izgovori "Amerika" i nema je.
Treći krenu medvjed, poskliznu se, udari u drvo i jauknu " A u pi*ku materinu" i nestane.

Časopis za zlostavljane žene

Kako se zove časopis za zlostavljane zene?
Modra Vlasta.!

Kako izaći iz ludnice

Odlučili doktori iz ludnice pustiti jednog od tri čovjeka. Dali prvome ciglu i pitali ga šta je to, a on veli pas.
- Ti si lud, postaviše dijagnozu.
Daju drugome ciglu i pitali ga šta je to. On odgovori da je to pas. I njemu rekoše da je lud!
Ciglu dali trećem i pitali ga šta je to. On odgovori da je to cigla.
- Ti nisi lud, obradovaše se oni, možeš ići.
Kad je ovaj izašao van i zašao iza ugla, podraga ciglu i reče:
- Ah Fifi, jesmo ih zeznuli.

- 07:12 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 16.02.2006.

- 11:39 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 15.02.2006.

Fort Minor

How do you thrive in the shadow, substantial and arena-sized, of a group that has sold over 35 million albums? If you're Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park, the answer is: shine your own light. Shinoda is half the vocal firepower of the multi-platinum, Grammy-winning band Linkin Park, trading diaphragmatic diatribes with singer Chester Bennington and infusing the searing alternative rock with equally intense hip-hop. From album to album, Shinoda and his bandmates have garnered a reputation based on their appetite for striking new ground. On his first outing alone, Shinoda is ready to show people that he is still hungry.

Shinoda's rap roots have always had to share space with other elements until now. Fort Minor is a wholly unique, unadulterated hip hop album, owing as much to Shinoda's polished lyricism as his musical adeptness. The variety of themes, styles, and moods he creates make this "side project" likely to do much more than simply satisfy existing LP fans; it threatens to expose Shinoda as a rap devotee who is as at home in hip-hop as he is in the cross-genre hybrid of Linkin Park. The Rising Tied, the much-anticipated debut of Shinoda's Fort Minor, will be released by Machine Shop Recordings/Warner Bros., in Fall 2005.

Executive Produced by Jay-Z (who collaborated with Linkin Park on 2004's Collision Course), The Rising Tied is produced and mixed by Shinoda, who wrote every track, played nearly every instrument and "slaved over every detail." While Shinoda chose the name Fort Minor to reflect the dynamic between opposites something big and strong vs. something small and slight (or musically dark) the name of the album is also a play on words. All of the guest artists on The Rising Tied, says Shinoda, are coming up together in the music world. Among them are Machine Shop acts Styles of Beyond and Holly Brook, as well as Common, John Legend, Kenna and Black Thought (of The Roots), among others.

While remaining an essential shard in the mosaic of Linkin Park, the desire to create songs that resonated with his youth as a hip-hop producer and MC led Shinoda to write, then record, a progression of hip-hop-rooted songs. As they began to coalesce into an album bearing Shinoda's solo imprimatur, he also felt it was essential to keep it "organic," making his own samples and breakbeats with live instruments, and avoiding sequenced keyboards. The Rising Tied, channeling some of the signature dynamics and frustration of Linkin Park, reveals a more personal range of themes slagged inside a distinctly hip-hop crucible. Not to say that it's an entirely homogenized collection.

On the first single, "Believe Me," excerpts from a decaying relationship tremble over a seismic breakbeat, infused with Latin percussion and a cello-bass line that reflects Shinoda's love of classic rock. "High Road," bouncing to Billy Joel-like piano progressions, adopts a humorous tone even as it gives the finger to someone who once told him to "stick to keyboards, don't rap." More funny business comes into play in "Remember the Name," with Shinoda transforming a traditional rapper's brag into a subtler call for respect, all done in the third-person. What's the formula for success? Shinoda answers, in a walking tempo, "This is 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain, and 100% reason to remember the name." Another song that shifts traditional perspectives is "Where'd You Go?," a lament for those on the road as felt through the experience of those left behind. Shinoda warns, "'Where'd You Go' makes my wife cry every time she hears it." On "Right Now," inspired by Robert Altman's iconoclastic film Short Cuts, Shinoda, Black Thought, and S.O.B. offer a hodgepodge of scenes, invoked to the rhythm of a chopped-up piano loop, which stitch together disparate lives during any given moment. Home-town pride inspires Shinoda's unexpected and highly personalized picture of Los Angeles in the candid "Back Home," while sarcasm drives the irresponsible zeitgeist of "Petrified," a precarious anthem built on swagger, fear, and the heaviest beat since Ice Cube's "Wicked."

Clearly, the most unique song of this album or any album, for that matter is a rap-flavored recollection of the U.S. internment of Japanese citizens during World War II. "Kenji," featuring the voices of Shinoda's aunt and father who were interned in the U.S. during the 1940s, paints a bleak picture of those who lost everything after being thrown into what were known then, euphemistically, as "relocation camps." Shinoda explains, "I went to the Japanese-American National Museum in L.A. last year, and it reminded me of all the stories my family had told me, how they were put into internment camps here in the U.S., not because they had done anything wrong, but simply because they fit a profile. I had to write a song about it." With Fort Minor and The Rising Tied, Shinoda appreciated the chance to tackle a new theme outside the normal subject matter of Linkin Park. Tackling big goals seems to be Shinoda's modus operandi. Notwithstanding an expectation to pursue a career in the visual arts, Mike decided instead to become a musician while working toward his B.A. in Illustration from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena. Having already taken ten years of piano lessons, he first began to work as a hip-hop MC and producer. In the mid-1990s Shinoda joined with guitarist Brad Delson, turntablist Joseph Hahn, drummer Rob Bourdon, bassist Phoenix and vocalist Chester Bennington to form Linkin Park.

The band's debut, Hybrid Theory, became the worldwide ..1-selling album of 2001, earning a Grammy Award for Best Hard Rock Performance ("Crawling") and various other awards. Its subsequent albums Reanimation, Meteora and Live in Texas - have continued to widen the band's fan base and critical acclaim; all together the catalogue has sold upwards of 35 million albums. On July 2 in Philadelphia, Linkin Park performed as part of the African aid/debt relief effort Live 8, to a live audience estimated at nearly one million people. Mike Shinoda's personal philanthropic efforts are growing as well. In the past five years, he has started a scholarship at his alma mater and been involved in groups such as United Way, AIDS Project L.A., Densho, the Japanese American National Museum, Arthritis Foundation and the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Last year, Linkin Park launched Music For Relief, an organization to aid the rebuilding of Southeast Asia; the band played a sold-out show in Los Angeles to support the cause, raising over $2 million for relief efforts. For more information about Fort Minor and The Rising Tied, please visit
- 08:31 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 09.02.2006.

Tupac Amaru Shakur


Stuff for your blog!

1971 - 1996
DOB: June 16, 1971 - Brooklyn, NY
DOD: September 13, 1996 - Las Vegas, NV
Height: 5'10 Weight: 168

Mother: Afeni Shakur
Father: William Garland
Step Father: Jeral Wayne Williams
AKA Mutula Shakur
Half Sister: Sekyiwa Shakur
Half Brother: Maurice Harding
(Mopreme of Thug Life)
Godfather: Elmer "Geronimo" Pratt

Music Groups: One Nation Emcees, Two From The Crew, Strictly Dope, Digital Underground, Thug Life, Outlaw Immortalz/Outlawz

Aliases: MC New York, 2Pac, Makaveli (the don)

Marital Status: Divorced (Keisha Morris) & Engaged (Kidida Jones)

Tupac Shakur was born Lesane Parish Crooks in Brooklyn, NY in 1971. While still a small child, his mother changed his name to Tupac Amaru after an Inca Indian revolutionary, "Tupac Amaru", meaning "Shining Serpent". "Shakur" means "Thankful To God" in Arabic.

From childhood, everyone called him the "Black Prince." Formisbehaving, he had to read an entire edition of The New York Times. When he was two, his sister, Sekyiwa, was born. This child's father, Mutulu, was a BlackPanther who, a few months before her birth, had been sentenced to sixty years for a fatal armored car robbery.

With Mutulu away, the family experienced hard times. No matter where they moved-the Bronx, Harlem, homeless shelters- Tupac was distressed. "I remember crying all the time. My major thing growing up was I couldn't fit in. Because I was from everywhere. I didn't have no buddies that I grew up with."

By the age of twelve, Tupac had discovered his loves for acting, writing love songs and poetry. As a young teen, his family moved to Baltimore , MD, where he attended The Baltimore School for the Performing Arts studying acting and ballet. At this school, Tupac left a lasting impression on his teachers and was showing tremendous potential. Unfortunately, Tupac was unable to continue his training. He moved to Oakland, California with the rest of his family. That's when Tupac began to, as he called it, "Hang with the wrong crowd."

At age fifteen, he fell into rap; he started writing lyrics, walking with a swagger, and milking his background in New York for all it was worth. People in small towns feared the Big Apple's reputation; he called himself MC New York and made people think he was a tough guy.

By the time he was twenty, Tupac had been arrested eight times, even serving eight months in prison after being convicted of sexual abuse. In addition, he was the subject of two wrongful-death lawsuits, one involving a six-year-old boy who was killed after getting caught in gang-war crossfire between Shakur's gang and a rival group.

Not held back by his lack of formal education, Tupac joined the Rap group Digital Underground as a dancer. Not long before the group achieved award winning success, Tupac released his own album "2Pacalypse Now", which was also a success. The hit single "Brenda's Got A Baby" launched Tupac's career like a rocket. His stunning talent also got him a role in the motion picture, "Juice". Tupac eventually released a second album "Strictly for my N.I.G.G.A.Z.," which was an even bigger success and introduced Tupac's music onto the pop charts.

In November of 1994, he was shot five times during a robbery in which thieves made off with $40,000 worth of his jewelry. Shakur miraculously recovered from his injuries to produce his most impressive artistic accomplishments, including 1995's Me Against the World

The highlight of Tupac's acting career came when he appeared in "Poetic Justice" besides Janet Jackson. The role made Tupac a household name and showed the world that music may not be Tupac's #1 attribute. In the midst of a role in the movie "Above the Rim" and a Platinum album "Me against the world," Tupac's rising career was snagged. He was brought up on sexual assault charges by a woman he met at a nightclub. Hours before Tupac would be found guilty, Tupac was robbed at gun point by men whose intent and purpose is still uncertain. Tupac was eventually released at over $1 Million in bail. After his release, Tupac answered his critics by releasing his best album, "All Eyes On Me." "All Eyes On Me" has currently sold over 6 million copies, which is revolutionary for a double CD, especially in Hip Hop music. Tupac also had costarring roles in three other films, "Gridlock'd", "Bullet", and "Gang Related."

On September 7th, Tupac Shakur was shot by unknown gunmen and died on September 13, 1996. Much of what happened on this night remains a mystery to this very day. This picture was taken minutes before the fatal shooting.

Following his passing, Shakur's label released an album, The Don Killuminati, under the pseudonym "Makaveli." The cover depicted Shakur nailed to a cross under a crown of thorns, with a map of the country's major gang areas superimposed on it. In January of 1997, Gramercy pictures released Gridlock'd, a film in which Shakur played the role of a drug addict to mostly good reviews. His final film, Gang Related, was released in 1997.

Shakur has in fact released more songs posthumously than while he was alive. Conspiracies notwithstanding, Shakur was extremely dedicated to his work during his short career. Shock G remembered fondly that Pac would spend entire days in the studio, drinking Hennessy, smoking marijuana, and experimenting with new raps. Much of his work was only dug up and edited after his death, many songs being cuts that he did not feel were worthy of release. His music is still being actively released and remixed.

September 13, 2006 will mark the tenth anniversary of Tupac's passing.


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